- Over 10000 childcare hours
- Has driver's license
Active, Fun, Organized Educator with over 5 years of work experience; Tim has been working in an integrative kindergarten since 2015 with 105 children! He loves exploring the outdoors and nature photography.
ID: #302498
- Over 2000 childcare hours
- Over 400 infant care hours
- Has driver's license
Crafty, Outdoorsy and Lovable Educator; Julia loves working with babies and young children and using her creativity to bring out the best in them and see them smile!
ID: #307920
- Over 200 (400h By End Of October 2021) childcare hours
- Has driver's license
I am a Physical Therapist from Germany who loves sports, horseback riding and working in a team. I like to enjoy good food with family and friends and I am a very reliable person.
ID: #316328
- Over 1500 childcare hours
- Over 1000 infant care hours
- Has driver's license
Farina is a mature, kind, and active Pediatric Nurse who has experience with Special Needs and kids of all ages. She describes herself as optimistic, reliable, motivated and can easily make new friends. She enjoys cooking, keeping physically active, and reading. She has been driving for 5 years in all types of weather.
ID: #324668
- Over 2000 childcare hours
- Over 750 infant care hours
- Has driver's license
ID: #310238
- Over 400 childcare hours
- Over 200 infant care hours
- Has driver's license
Active and happy PT with Special Needs and Infant qualifications.
ID: #323800
- Over 750 childcare hours
- Has driver's license
Special Needs Care Provider who has a passion to help people with special needs gain independence and participate as much as possible in social life!
ID: #305270
- Over 3000 childcare hours
- Over 2000 infant care hours
- Has driver's license
Attentive & Loving Educator with Infant Qualifications and Special Needs Experience; Beyza loves teaching children new skills and is excited about baking with them!
ID: #264345
- Over 10000 childcare hours
- Has driver's license
Mona is a Special Needs Care Provider with over 10K childcare hours to date and has had lots of hands-on experience for the past 5 years working with various diagnoses. She is a confident and safe driver for over 8 years and loves to work out, explore the great outdoors and spend quality time with family and friends. She really knows how to connect with children and teens and bring out the best in them!
ID: #327704